  • 崇左40立方二氧化碳储罐
  • 崇左40立方二氧化碳储罐
  • 崇左40立方二氧化碳储罐


品牌中杰特装 型号CFL-20/2.16 类型低温储罐 材质16MnDR 适用物料LCO2
技术参数 Technical Parameters
容 器 类 别 Tank Type:Ⅱ类
介质 Medium:LCO2
设 计 压 力 Design Pressure: 2.2MPa
允许工作压力Max. Allowance working pressure: 2.27MPa
容 积 Volume :10.5m3
外胆 Shell:Q345R
内胆 Liner:φ1600×8/8
外胆 Shell:φ2100×8/8
总重 Weight:7600kg
夹层保温材料Sandwich insulation material:
CEP60型珠光砂(含水量≤0.3%) CEP60 pearl sand (water content ≤0.3%)
内胆气压试验 Liner pressure test:
介质 Medium:氮气 Nitrogen 试验压力 test pressure:2.61MPa
内胆内管材料Liner tube materials:S30408
阀门 Valve:低温不锈钢三段式球阀 cryogenic stainless steel three stage ball valve
制造验收标准 manufacturing accept standards:
According to GB/T 18442-2011 Stationary vacuum insulated cryogenic pressure vessel
TSG 21-2016 Safety technical supervision procedures for fixed pressure vessels
结构说明 Structure Description
1. 泄放装置 Discharge device
2. 内胆 Liner
3.保温层(珠光砂) Insulation (pear sand)
4.外壳 Shell
5.仪表(差压计、氧压表、组合阀) Meter (differential pressure gauge, oxygen pressure gauge, combination valve)
6.抽空口及真空阀门Evacuation port and vacuum valve
7.管路阀门 Pipeline Valve
说 明Description:
The operating system of the tank and more concentrated in the bottom of the tank, instrument system and valve combination set in the cylinder wall, easy to observe the operation.
(2) 内胆设置有两个安全阀S1、S2,夹层泄压装置B。
There are two safety valves S1, S2 inside the liner, sandwich pressure relief device B.
(3) 连接形式:进液口→2"螺纹连接,排液阀→2"螺纹连接,抽空口→法兰.
Connection: inlet → 2 "thread connection, drain valve → 2" thread connection, exhaust port → flange.
储罐的增压 Tank pressurization
The carburetor (available separately) can be used for boosting when the reservoir is supplied externally and requires stable discharge pressure. The operation is as follows:
Open the V2 drain valve to vaporize the liquid carbon dioxide vaporizer and open the V3 return valve (the V3 return valve can be normally open depending on the return air line of the user). The gas diverted from the vaporizer returns to the upper part of the tank , So that the pressure tank.
When the tank pressure reaches 2.1Mpa, the valve can be temporarily closed V3 return gas valve.
During drainage, the degree of pressurization can be maintained at a pressure-stable level by controlling the opening of the V3 return valve.
2 储罐的操作Tank operation
储罐的操作分为充液、贮存、增压、排液等过程,每个过程必须做到:V6三通截止阀(连接安全阀)和V8液位计组合阀始终处于全开状态。罐内压力不应高于2.16Mpa,压力不应低于0.8Mpa .
The operation of the tank is divided into filling, storage, pressurization, drainage and other processes, each process must be: V6 three-way valve (connecting safety valve) and V8 level gauge combination valve is always in the fully open state. Tank maximum pressure should not exceed 2.16Mpa, the minimum pressure should not be less than 0.8Mpa.


Development, design, production and sales in one of the manufacturing enterprises


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