  • 咸阳啤酒厂二氧化碳储罐
  • 咸阳啤酒厂二氧化碳储罐
  • 咸阳啤酒厂二氧化碳储罐


品牌中杰特装 型号CFL-20/2.16 类型低温储罐 材质16MnDR 适用物料LCO2
注意事项matters need attention
Please receive our sincere thanks for your purchase of our equipments. We manufacture in strict accordance with standards and craftsmanship, but will still cause accidents due to improper installation and use. The safety instructions in this manual are for the purpose of safe and correct use of this equipment, to prevent the harm to you or others from harm or damage, and once the wrong operation method is implemented, all the consequences arising therefrom are safety related. Please accept the instructions in this manual, and note the following:
The equipment belongs to special equipment, which should be managed and operated by full-time personnel. Operators should be trained and certified to be on duty. Otherwise, it will be possible to endanger life safety due to misoperation and use.
2 本设备的安装、使用及维修应符合JB6898-1997《低温液体贮运设备 使用安全规则》的规定。本设备应放在室外、通风良好的场所。CO2有很强的窒息性,会引起窒息危险,甚至危及生命。
the installation, use and maintenance of the equipment shall conform to the provisions of JB6898-1997 "safe rules for the use of cryogenic liquid storage and transportation equipment". The equipment should be placed outdoors and well ventilated. CO2 has a strong asphyxiation, which can cause choking hazards and even life.
3 本设备贮存的是-40℃的低温液体,管道、阀门冻结堵塞时严禁用重物敲击、火烤或冷水喷淋等方法解冻,应用70~80℃干净无油的热空气、热氮气解冻。
this equipment is to 40 ℃ cryogenic liquid storage, pipe, valves, frozen jams it is forbidden to use heavy percussion, fire, or cold water spray method of thawing, application of 70 ~ 80 ℃ clean hot air, hot nitrogen release without oil.
2 储罐的操作Tank operation
储罐的操作分为充液、贮存、增压、排液等过程,每个过程必须做到:V6三通截止阀(连接安全阀)和V8液位计组合阀始终处于全开状态。罐内压力不应高于2.16Mpa,压力不应低于0.8Mpa .
The operation of the tank is divided into filling, storage, pressurization, drainage and other processes, each process must be: V6 three-way valve (connecting safety valve) and V8 level gauge combination valve is always in the fully open state. Tank maximum pressure should not exceed 2.16Mpa, the minimum pressure should not be less than 0.8Mpa.
夹层封结后真空度规范为有效容积:小于等于10m3真空度≤ 2Pa大于10m3小于等于50m3真空度≤3Pa大于50m3小于等于100m3真空度≤
为真空粉末绝热型式低温液态二氧化碳储罐构造为表里容器构成的双层容器。可分卧式和立式两类,内容器资料选 16MnDR外容器资料可根据用户区域不一样选 Q235-B或 16MnR内、外容器夹层充填绝热资料珠光砂并抽真空。
安全阀定时校验时可封闭一侧,低温液体二氧化碳储罐选用 组合、安全体系阀”运用两组安全阀一起作业。另一侧持续作业,保证储罐的安全运转。


Development, design, production and sales in one of the manufacturing enterprises


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